
White Hot Moroccan Event

Corporate Event Production & Destination Management Company in Orlando, Florida

One element that event designers can never control is the weather, and in Florida the surprise of rain or a heat wave is always present! Our Sublime Event designers came prepared, by incorporating large authentic Moroccan tents to house the bar area and dance floor. Thankfully the tropical temperament was on our side this night! But, preparation is always imperative when we design our events.

The Design

Our inspiration for this event was the oasis beauty of Marrakesh. While Morocco is known for their vibrant colors, the tranquility and purity of white was our prime color for this occasion. Because we used such a clean and crisp color we were able to use light elements to splash the vibrancy across our structures. The movement of light and the glow added in an extra dimension, it assisted in bringing the liveliness of the Moroccan culture to party goers.

Archway structures were built around the perimeter of the greens to give off an enclosed feel while complementing our focal point. The highlight of this event was our covered dance floor. The tent was built out of truss, for extra durability, and was dressed in white fabric and adorned with Moroccan lanterns. We used inspiration from our luxe covered bar tents to design the focal tent, creating a cohesive event.

The Goal

Making our guests feel like they were out of the country was our goal for this event. Using authentic pieces and adding in inspired designs and colors truly help make this event spectacular!

To learn more about this event or to request a proposal from our design team, please contact us today!

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